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Mega 2 Slimming Capsule

Produk MEGA-2 SLIMMING CAPSULE berbentuk kapsul dirumuskan bagi menegangkan kulit serta menjaga dan mencerahkan kulit khas untuk orang yang mengalami ketidakseimbangan hormon juga masalah berat badan berlebihan dan oedema. Selain itu, produk unik ini juga mampu menghalang penyerapan kalori, membakar lemak,menghalang penyerapan gula juga kabohidrat serta membantu menyingkirkan air dan toksik.

Produk ini secara uniknya menguatkan sel-sel, mempercepatkan metabolisme lemak pada pinggang, pinggul,leher dan lengan. Ia juga membantu mengecilkan saiz sel-sel yang besar dalam proses pembentukan badan yang sihat.pengguna tidak akan mengalami proses nyahhidrat, sebaliknya MEGA-2 CAPSULE bertindak untukmengembalikan kekenyalan dan ketegangan kulit secara langsung.

Kedua-dua produk yang sangat hebat ini mengandungi herba asli yang amat dikenali dikalangan rakyat Malaysia kerana mineral yang terdapat pada herba sangat berkhasiat & baik untuk fizikal & mental.

Cara Pengambilan

  1. Ambil sebiji kapsul setiap hari selama 3 hari untuk menyesuaikan diri. Pada hari keempat, ambil 1-2 kapsul sehari.  *(Ambil selepas sarapan/makan tengah hari. Jangan ambil dengan perut kosong. )
  2. Ambil Mega 2 Capsule bersama-sama dengan Mega 2 Rose Tea untuk lebih berkesan.
  3. Bagi yang mempuyai masalah sembelit yang teruk, minum 2 uncang Mega 2 Rose Tea setiap hari.
  4. Minum 2500ml air setiap hari. 
  5. Jangan ambil lebih dari 3 biji Mega 2 Capsule sehari.

"Kajian telah menunjukkan purata kekurangan berat sebanyak 4kg hingga 5kg boleh dicapai setelah mengamalkan pengambilan Mega 2 secara berterusan selama 1 bulan (keberkesanannya bergantung kepada bentuk fizikal individu.)"


Mega 2 Rose Complex Tea London

Disini kami ingin memperkenalkan MEGA-2 CAPSULE & MEGA ROSE TEA dimana kombinasi antara kedua-duanya mampu merealisasikan hajat dan impian anda dengan berkesan.

Antara 10 kesan terbaik MEGA ROSE TEA yang mampu dirasai adalah menghapuskan radikal bebas, mencantik dan mencerahkan kulit, menghapuskan nafas berbau, meningkatkan sistem pencernaan, melegakan tekanan perasaan, membersihkan limfa, mengurangkan pengumpulan lemak dan menjalani detoksifikasi, menyingkirkan najis dan toksik terkumpul, menghapuskan lemak secara terperinci juga mengurangkan oedema dan mengecilkan saiz pinggang.

    Cara Penggunaan

  1. Rendamkan seuncang Mega 2 Rose Tea Complex dengan 300-500 ml air mendidih.
  2. Sesuai diminum selepas 10-15 minit. Digalakkan minum teh bila masih panas.
  3. Bagi mereka yang mengalami masalah sembelit yang teruk, minum 2 uncang teh setipa hari.
  4.  Minum sekurang-kurangnya 2500 air setiap hari.
  5. Tidak dinasihatkan untuk minum Mega 2 Rose Tea dengan perut yang kosong.


Produk Kami


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Q1: Is there any side effect on Mega 2?

A1: ABSOLUTELY NO. Mega 2 uses 100% natural purified herbaceous ingredients. It has been approved by Malaysia Health Ministry and Safety Authentication issued by Malaysia Health Food Organization. It is the optimum natural healthy slimming product which is suitable for men and women.

Q2: When it will take effective?

A2: As a result of clinical experiment shows that after consuming for one week immediate preliminary effect will be seen. Skin, constipation (must take with Mega Rose), etc situation will be tremendously improved. By the 3rd week, the body weight will reduce from 2 to 4 kg.  Effectiveness will be depending on individual physique.

Q3: Will body shape turn back to original shape after stop consuming Mega 2?

A3: NO, NEVER. Mega 2 does not "dehydrate" to reduce weight but it actually removes unnecessary fat. Therefore, it is not similar to those "dehydrating" slimming product, where the body weight will rapidly increase due to halt of consumption of a particular product. Mega 2 basically removes unnecessary fat so that you can have the beautiful "S" line body you have always dreamed of! 

Q4: What attention should  I pay when consuming Mega 2?

A4: This product should be taken after meal. Mega 2 Rose Tea Complex should be prepared with 600 ml boiling water and should be consumed while its still hot preferably after 15 minutes. You are to encouraged to drink about 2500ml of water daily. ( Drinking enough water can help you to remove toxins from your body. )

Q5: Why short-term dizzy feeling will happen?

A5: Dizzy phenomenon will only appear on those sensitive physique consumers. Our body energy will be fully coordinate with the process of intense fat burning. These will cause sugar  level in blood to temporarily drop (but still under healthy level). Therefore, the above phenomenon will appear which is called the "REACTION" in medical science. This happens only for a short period, commonly about 10 days your while body will be adapted and dizzy phenomenon will be disappeared.

Q6: Why do I occasionally feel hungry during consumption period?

A6: This is due to the  intense fat burning process in the body by Garcimia Cambogia. It is just like after you have gone through the process of violent exercise, you will have the hunger feeling. This is called the "REACTION".

Q7: Why do occasionally more urination appear during consumption period?

A7: This product does not contain laxatives. This product will discharge the unnecessary moisture content and balance the body moisture content through the unique detoxification process.

Q8: Why do I feel cold occasionally during the consumption period?

A8: Due to the process of fat burning, the pore of your skin will automatically expand to help to scatter heat. Thus, you should avoid air conditioning or cool air that is blown directly to your body surface.

Q9: Why does my body weight stops at a certain weight after the consumption?

A9: Actually this is proper, healthy and safe. Mega 2 entirely conform to the slimming procedure of the United Nations Public Bureau, so called "Step Slimming Method". When body weight reduces to certain weight, human body will automatically search for temporary suitable stage. After continuously consume Mega 2, body weight will gradually reduce to body healthy pounds and restore slender body shape.

Q10: Why do I occasionally have no appetite during the initial stage?

A10: This is entirely due to Garcinia Cambogia 100% blocks the carbohydrate from transforming into sugar. During this short duration, it may affect the sense of taste which will occasionally cause no appetite.

Q11: Why rash spot would appear?

A11: This is due to the "REACTION" phenomenon for those hypersensitive skin ,corrupted blood  or hepatitis during the process of detoxification.

Q12: Why does bleeding happen during bowel movement after consuming "Mega 2"?

A12: This is due to the detoxification function of Folium Camelia Sinesis which removes tumor for those piles. This is also due to constipation when anal or intestines wall are injured, bleeding will occur. Incubation or inner piles people at this moment, tiny blood will occur also.

Q13: Why does my outer appearance looks slim but the body weight does not drop?

A13: The real target of slimming is not only to reduce weight. The special effect of MEGA 2 is to trace the fat cell in abdomen, buttocks, chin and arm to accelerate metabolism and reduce fats.


Product & Company Overview

The Slimming Secrets Com offers an amazing slimming product, Mega 2. 

Mega 2 is a scientifically advanced and professional weight loss and slimming formula which is developed in Switzerland after years of research and clinical study using high quality safe and Chinese natural ingredients.

With combination of its 2 unique products, “Mega 2 Slimming
Capsule and Mega 2 Rose Tea Complex”, they provide effective approach to weight loss by breaking down and eliminating unwanted fat molecules, help to balance hormones, attain your ideal body weight safely and improve the shape to be more beautiful.

The efficacy, quality and safety of this product have been clinically proven through a year of intensive study. 

This product is released in the market since 2005 after it has been approved by the Ministry of Health in Malaysia and Singapore.